The Power of A Meeting
The Power of a Meeting is Not in the Tea and Biscuits
Intent. It is difficult to measure and it can change any minute. That is the difficult reality of an alliance. It is why we can get together as executives in a meeting that makes absolutely no difference. This is a “Tea and Biscuits meeting”. Lots of work goes into getting together and nothing happens. Leaders come, eat biscuits, have tea, then leave.
Partnership meetings can be one of the most powerful tools to move things forward. Alliances are forged in meetings and it is often meetings that carry them forward. Senior leaders prize efficient use of their time. Put your leader to work!
Clarify Intent: Be courageous in using your meeting to create moments of clarity. As you showcase insight, speak the most difficult truths in the spirit of finding solutions. Press for intent and do not leave without alignment.
Simplify: The finite nature of a meeting can bring with it the gift of simplicity. Understand what is important and discover what you can deprioritize. Mastering this skill will ensure there is always a north star.
Audience: Use the presence of senior leadership to secure an audience with their peers at your partners. This is a great opportunity to expand your influence. Think about the commitments that need to be made and who needs to be at the table to make them.
Think Big: Opportunities are endless if you look for them. Ideas are what bring partnerships together. The tenacious pursuit of joint success is what keeps them together.
Accountability: Any two people can intend to do work together and call it an alliance. This might be the single most misunderstood characteristic in the art of business development. The power of partnership comes from each of the connection points across the alliance acting. Be clear on who needs to do what, by when, and use your meeting checkpoints up to review it.